conector remapeo heseauto

Thanks to the Celeste Map technology that we use at Herseauto we can optimize the performance of your vehicle (consumption, wear, maintenance,…) by thoroughly analyzing your control unit.

This technology can be used not only in passenger cars but in all types of vehicles equipped with a control unit.

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Remapping the switchboard, what is it?

After a proper connection to your Herseauto switchboard, we can modify its parameters, reset or update them following the instructions of the Celeste Map engineers with whom we connect directly through an app that communicates our mobile phone with the Celeste Map engineering service, where We find the latest updates, versions,… of your switchboard in addition to having an immediate service to resolve problems.




Mon-Sat 8:30 – 19:30

SAT 9:00 – 14:00 (By appointment only)

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